Book a chat

Hi there and thanks for stopping by to check out my “Book A Chat With Scott” offer.

Because you’re on this page it’s highly likely that you want to get more customers, but are being driven insane by all the mixed messages and “shiny bullets” coming towards you…

You’re probably asking yourself:

Should I do social media?

Run a Facebook ad?

Invest more in my web site?


Fix up the conversion on my web site?

The list goes on.

I’ve spoken with dozens of business owners over the years who are confused, to the point of being frozen.

You haven’t been taught to spot what the best step is, and as a result you don’t have the confidence to grab the bull by the horns and take the correct action to make it happen.

Instead, you blame yourself for not doing anything.

And you shouldn’t.


Because you’re not lazy. You’re simply so overwhelmed with information you don’t know how to put the giant-marketing jigsaw-puzzle together.

So you sit there scratching your head… moving from one shiny object to another – getting nowhere.

It’s kind of like me (who has absolutely no mechanical knowledge) staring into the car engine

area trying to work out how to get it all humming again.

I could sit there for ages and get nowhere. (or worse still, do more harm than good).

But if I had a mechanic next to me, pointing out what to look for, they could quickly help me solve the problem…

Flick that switch.

Open up that box.

And before you know it, the car is running on all cylinders again.

As business owners we don’t have time to try and work it all out ourselves.

We need results. And we need results fast.

You don’t get that with a shiny object.

You get that by having an expert in your corner who can push you in the right direction.

I can probably be that “mechanic” for your business, but because I don’t know you, I can’t say for certain. And you probably don’t know me all that well either.

So … let’s get together, and see if there’s a way I can help you grow.


Here’s what happens when we meet

It will be a little like walking into your doctors office, except instead of asking you questions about your health… the focus will be on your business.

There’s no need to prepare anything.

It’s all fairly straight forward.

And I’ve done this hundreds of times before, so I’ll be able to point you to a decision quickly by diving in and asking you a whole bundle of questions to learn more about your business and where the bottlenecks are.

Once I’ve done that, I’ll be in a position to pinpoint what the next step is, in order to solve your biggest marketing bugbears.

At that point, I’ll know if I can help you.

If I can, I’ll suggest a path forward.

If I’m not the best fit, I’ll recommend someone else who would be a better fit (I run a group with some of the best marketers in Australia, so I can point you in the right direction).

Of course, you can ask me questions too.

And just so you know in advance, the investment for working with me starts from $1500, depending on what your needs and budgets are (one client has paid me $70,000+ per annum for over a decade).

The Meeting Will NOT be a Sales Pitch

Just so you know, I’m not going to twist your arm and try to sell you something you don’t want.

I hate it when someone does this to me, and I won’t be doing it to you.

Instead, it’s a friendly chat to see if we’re a good fit where together we’ll identify the best marketing steps to take next based on where you are on the chess board right now, and your budget.


Before You Book a Time, Here’s What I Need From You

My hourly fee is $350 per hour.

And yes, that’s real. In fact, I average a lot more than that.

So… if you can afford at least $1500, I’m comfortable with setting aside my normal $350 an hour fee, to see if I have something that can help you and which fits your budget.

The only thing I ask in return is that you turn up seriously committed to making an impact on the lead generation systems in your business, and that you can afford to work together if we agree that it’s a good idea for you.

Otherwise, there’s really no point in getting together as you won’t be able to afford to move forward in any case. And nothing happens unless we execute.

OK… so if that sounds fair to you, let’s book in a time for a chat and I look forward to meeting you.