Forward pacing is a powerful tool to use in your ads and sales letters.
And this is a handy line you can use:
“By this time, next week you’ll have…”
Of course, this can also be changed to…
“By the time you’ve completed my webinar you’ll have…” Or…
“By the time you walk out of the seminar you’ll have discovered…” Or…
“By the time you’ve finished training with me for 6 weeks, you’ll have…”
Basically, what you’re doing is stepping your prospect into the future, and giving them a taste of it.
So let’s apply this to a real world scenario.
Say for someone selling security cameras…
“Once you’ve installed these cameras in your home, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing your house will be the last one to ever get burgled.
Won’t that feel great?”
Or for a real estate agent…
“If you’re like 92% of our clients, by this time in 6 weeks your home will be sold at 14% above market rate, putting thousands of dollars in your pocket…”
How can you use this in your marketing?
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