How can I tell good sales copy from bad sales copy?

That’s a tough question to answer because it’s just so
difficult to put into words.

However last night while I was watching Australian Idol the answer came to me.

You can’t explain it… you have to feel it.

You see, when you listen to a piece of music, ultimately it’s just a string of words and sounds put together.

But it either sounds great…

or it sounds like a dogs breakfast.

That’s a very difficult thing to explain in words.

But if you’ve ever listened to a great piece of music versus some bad karaoke, you’ll notice it’s a very easy thing to grasp.

So when you’re writing copy for your own business, use your intuition and gut feeling to let you know whether you’ve nailed it.

That’s what I do.

I get this “not sure” feeling when I don’t quite have the right hook for the copy.

And an “aha” feeling once I have nailed it.

Of course, just like on Australian Idol, I always go back afterwards and judge my own writing.

And you should too.

Imagine your “inner skeptic” sitting on your right shoulder and telling you where you have gone “off note.”

Now one of the things you’ll notice on Australian Idol is all of the judges have a lot of experience in the industry.

They have educated themselves.

They know their stuff.

And in order to write kick-butt ads and sales letters which make your cash register ring, you should do the same.

The good news is you can fast-track your knowledge of how to write great ads & sales letters by heading on over to

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