I was at Greg Cassar’s event last year when I ran into a guy called Daniel Doherty…
Anyway, he’s a tech superbrain, and was talking about all this stuff regarding these apps called pocket and Lisgo – and how you could listen to any article using these tools at 3x speed.
It all sounded complex to me, so I put it on hold until yesterday when I was doing a bit of driving to see a client.
Wow, is all I can say.
By incorporating it with Twitter lists (which allows you to create lists via interests) I have found no better way to consume targeted content. Think about it: have you ever seen an article and thought I’d love to read that, but don’t have the time?
Well, just add it to pocket.
And once it’s synched with Lisgo, it automatically downloads it into the app so you can just listen to it as you walk or drive, at up to 3x speed.
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