Session #1: How to Chase the Right Leads

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In this session, you will discover…

  • A simple way to avoid ever having to deal with a tyre-kicker again
  • How to quickly identify the best leads to go after where you maximise your odds of closing a high value sale
  • 7 questions you need to ask before you target a customer
  • Why the internet is not always a great lead generation tool (and what to use instead) 
  • And much, much more

I’ve also included a document for you to create your own “avatar” for your ideal client. Please find it attached.


Session #2: How to Boost Your Sales by Helping, Not Hype

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In this session, you will discover…

  • The slippery slide sales model (and why most people put razor blades in the way of their prospects buying)
  • How to sell the way your customer wants to buy
  •  What you should offer first in the sales process
  • How to make it almost irresistible for your target market not to get in touch with you
  • And much, much more

Session #3:  9 Different Places to Generate Leads (& When to Use Each)

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In this session, you’ll discover the pluses and minuses of a whole range of lead generation methods including…

  • Google Adwords
  • Newspaper
  • Banner campaigns
  • Magazines
  • Direct Mail
  • Content Marketing
  • Fax Marketing
  • Email blasts
  • Junk Mail

 Session #4: How to Create a Lead Magnet, Step-by-Step

Click here to download

In this session, you will discover…

  • How to identify the topic for a lead magnet
  • How to create a lead magnet in an afternoon (rather than weeks, shortcut secrets)
  • The biggest mistake salespeople make when creating a lead magnet
  • The different types of lead magnets you can use
  • And much, much more

Plus, you’ll also find attached some sample lead magnets so you can see exactly what’s required. Use these as a template so you can put something together for yourself quickly and easily.


questions & answers

Sample Report #2 – Bedding

Sample Report #2 – Cheat Sheets

Sample Unedited Transcript

Session #5: How to Create a Lead Generation Ad, Step-by-Step

Click here to download

In this session, you will discover…

  • The 3 step, counterintuitive formula that makes your prospects keen to respond
  • The best way to start your ads (you won’t suffer from writers block once you understand this)
  • The easiest way to pull your readers into your copy
  • All the elements required to get your prospects to respond
  • 5 real examples of lead generation ads that work
  • Plus much, much more

Plus, you’ll also find attached some sample lead generation ads which will allow you to quickly implement the strategies discussed on the audio program.

Lead Magnet Ad, Sample #1

Lead Magnet Ad Sample #2 – 3 samples

Lead Magnet Sample #3 – testimonial style

Lead Magnet #4 – Squeeze Page

Lead Magnet #6 – Low Cost, Repeat Businesses

Session #6: How to Test Your Ads With Minimal Risk

Click here to download

In this session, you’ll discover…

  • Why you should NEVER plonk too much $$$ on an ad without first doing this
  • How to grow and learn 10x as fast as your competitors
  • How to become an instant marketing genius
  • The trick to getting WAY more leads than you can handle, FAST
  • And much, much more

Plus, you’ll also find attached a sample of a promotion results analysis sheet so you can quickly analyse the success of any lead generation ad you run.

Promotion Results Analysis

Session #7: How to Become a “Big Fish” Rainmaker

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In this session, you will discover…

  • How approaching “big customers” is different to approaching everyday customers
  • Why conversion rate doesn’t matter – it’s all about this one thing
  • The best marketing medium for approaching big fish
  • A simple monthly system you can set up to build deep relationships with customers that could be worth $100,000.00 or more in sales
  • And much, much more

Plus, you’ll also find attached two samples of different lead generation ads you can mail to “big fish” together with a sample monthly newsletter you can mail to both big fish and your existing customer base.

Lead Magnet #5 – Grabber Letter

Lead Magnet #7 – short sales letter

Session #8: The Biggest Mistakes People Make With Lead Generation Ads (& how to avoid falling into these common traps)

Click here to download

In this session, you will discover…

  • How to generate 3-4 x more revenue from every lead you get (and why most salespeople miss out on this)
  • The single most important stage of the lead generation process
  • What to do if you run a campaign that bombs
  • Where to place your ads to get maximum impact
  • And much, much more

 Session #9: How to Create a Follow Up Campaign

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Click here to download mp4

Click here to download mp3

On this webinar, you’ll discover how to follow up new prospects to build trust. Including…

  • The “Winston Churchill Strategy” that can boost your sales by up to 400%
  • The 7 emotional “buying triggers” to incorporate in your follow up campaign (including real examples of each)
  • Exactly how to create an email follow up structure
  • Real time example of how to write emails that sell
  • Suggestions on recommended autoresponders

Plus: You’ll hear me apply these strategies to a real business in real time, so you can see not just the theory – but exactly how to take these strategies and apply them to your business.

Listen in & be sure to complete the homework assignment below to create your follow up structure.

 7 email sequence





Friendship & Authority


Read This First – Homework

Reason Why


Snapshot of Sales

Session #10: How to Save Up to 65% on Your Advertising

Click here to download

In this session, you will discover…

  • The exact letter I sent which got 25% of newspapers to slash their advertising prices by 65% (model it and use it for yourself)
  • How to quickly transform a losing ad into a winner
  • Why it’s in a newspaper or magazines best interest to slash their Rates (and why many of them will)
  • The publication to get your hands on to access all the newspapers and magazines in the country you can advertise in
  • And much, much more

Sample letter to newspapers

The Formula for Using Low Price Ads to Scale Your Business